As a company, Insulfoam is dedicated to creating products to help “make a difference.” The core nature of insulation is to enable structures to conserve energy, reduce pollution and preserve resources from our planet. The growth of renewable energy sectors is unmistakable — specifically in the solar and wind areas. We can’t help but smile when we realize how the generation of natural energy sources, perfectly compliments so many new buildings that are being built to high energy efficiency standards. If we can generate energy responsibly, and build structures to best conserve the energy generated, we are moving in the right direction for the future of our plant. As a manufacturer of insulation, a critical component to energy efficient buildings, we take our role in conserving energy seriously.
In the article “Wind and solar power are saving Americans an astounding amount of money,” author David Roberts works to quantify the growth of renewable energy from a monetary stand point. The savings he documents come from the Lawrence Berkeley Lab’s analysis, that comprehensively looks at subsidies, costs, wastes and much more to quantify some pretty impressive numbers. Read his article for the full story.
While the saving estimates are pretty staggering, we have to add that conserving the energy generated is also a critical component of the savings. States and building officials all over the US agree and have energy and building codes require new standards for energy efficient construction. After all, if we’re going to generate energy, what good is it if we aren’t able to conserve it properly in our buildings? Calculators exist all over the internet to help calculate the best ways to design and build strcutures to best conserve energy. A good one for roof systems specifically is Roof $ense from Carlisle Construction Materials which allows building owners to estimate the energy savings associated with a high performance roof system. Pair these energy savings with energy generation savings and the combined savings is sure to be impressive.
With buildings accounting for the bulk of energy use, we will continue to search for ways to make the insulation component of buildings more efficient, to better pair with renewable resources and to together help make a difference on our planet for years and years to come.